jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017

English Class 4th "B" Miss Pilar

Buenas noches:
Favor de estudiar para examen ya que los tendremos la próxima semana.

Fechas de exámenes de inglés

Lunes 04 de diciembre examen escrito
-lectura de comprensión la cual estoy anexando favor de imprimir y traducir en su libreta.
-preposiciones de lugar  (next to, near, far, close, etc)
-buscar lugares en un mapa
-vocabularios de la unidad 2

Martes 05 de Diciembre examen oral

-Los alumnos presentarán el tema con GOING TO, acerca de planes para la siguiente semana,  para presentarla deben traer imágenes, un poster, línea de tiempo o cartulina, acerca de su presentación no debe traer nada escrito ya que es un examen ORAL NO DE ESCRITURA O LECTURA.

The School Project

 It’s Monday morning and John is excited because the teacher will assign them a school project. John is very good at them, and he loves working in groups because he can go to a friend’s house and work there. The teacher tells them to form teams and talk about the project. They will have to make a map of their school, showing where places are located, like the principal’s office, the playground, the classrooms, the restrooms, etc. The teacher says the project has to be presented on Friday. During the next few days, the children get together and start planning their project. They go around their school and pay close attention to where everything is. John takes notes and draws in his notebook. John and his friends have met every afternoon after school. It’s Friday morning and the school project is ready. John and his friends can’t wait to present it to the class today.

Gracias por su apoyo.

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